Monday, August 8, 2011

T-Shirt Design Contest

WHAT : T-Shirt Design Contest with the theme of

 “Empowering Knowledge Professionals in the midst of Globalization”

WHO: Open to all MLIS Students

WHEN:  Deadline of submission will be on August 21, 2011

               Announcement of winner will be on August 28,2011

WHERE: For submission of entries, Please email us at

1. Open to all enrolled MLIS students SY 2011-2012
2. All entries should be on JPEG format (max. size of 2mb)
3. The design will be printed on a black shirt and will use as the official t-shirt of MLIS students and faculties.
4. A free t-shirt and cash prize awaits the winning design!

(BLIS shirt design)

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